Société Tunisienne de Garantie

About Us

The Société Tunisienne de Garantie (SOTUGAR) SOTUGAR is a public limited company specializing in the management of guarantee systems, with a public-interest mission to strengthen the various mechanisms in place to develop and promote SMEs during the decisive phases of their life cycle (creation, expansion, restructuring). 

Created in June 2003 and placed under the supervision of the Ministry of Finance, SOTUGAR is an open, neutral company with financial autonomy.

Its capital is held 37% by the Tunisian State and the remaining 63% by 19 Tunisian banks, and is administered by a Board of Directors.

Created in June 2003, and placed under the supervision of the Ministry of Finance, SOTUGAR is an open, neutral company with financial autonomy. It has a broad shareholder base made up of financial partners, with 37% of its capital held by the State and 63% by 19 Tunisian banks, and is administered by a Board of Directors.


SOTUGAR‘s general interest mission is geared toward economic making a significant contribution to the development and the strengthening of the small business base (the SMEs) by:

  • Facilitating SMEs’ access to financing, by sharing with credit institutions and private equity investors the risk of financing of SMEs.
  • Reducing the risks taken by our financial partners, thanks to allocations to guarantee schemes provided by the State and the European Union (Guarantee Schemes, Guarantee Mechanism for Financial Restructuring, Export Credit Guarantee Scheme), and by the World Bank though the ANME – National Agency for Energy Conservation- (Guarantee Fund for Energy Efficiency).
1. The Guarantee Scheme For Loans Granted To Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises In Industry And Services And For Equity Holdings In Their Capital Covers:
  • Activities of the manufacturing industries annexed to decree n° 94-492 of 28 February 1994, establishing the lists of activities by sector provided for  by articles 1, 2 , and 27 of  the Investment Incentives Code, and located in areas for the promotion of regional development are eligible for the benefits provided under the Code, as modified and supplemented by subsequent texts.
  • Computer related activities, services in relation to software production, research and development , studies assistance and consultancy services,  spin-offs, environmental and leisure services..
  • Projects funded under the Information Technology Innovation Incentive Scheme (RITI).
2. The Mechanism For Strengthening The Financial Structure

Eligible for the guarantee are the businesses that meet the following criteria:

  • Companies which were  granted bonus agreements with financial restructuring reserves under the Upgrading Programme,
  • Businesses which have not benefiited  from any FODEC premium instalments under the said Programme,
  • businesses the financial restructuring programme approved by the relevant departments of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and SMEs,
  •  Not classified as a company in economic  difficulties..
3. The Guarantee Fund For Energy Efficiency (FGEE)

Eligible for the guarantee extended  by the FGEE, are the medium-sized and large companies:

  • Being active in an industrial in an industrial sector for at least two years,
  • Wishing to carry out energy efficiency measures using ESCOs, the total cost of which is greater than or equal to fifty thousand dollars, and with a payback period of less than three years.
1- Where And How To Apply For A Guarantee With SOTUGAR ?

The borrower must first contact our Financial Partner, (a bank, a leasing company or a venture capitalist) in order to present the project and the type of funding requested. In case of approval by the Financial Partner, the request for financing is submitted to SOTUGAR.

Project funding (through loans or equity shareholding) under different guarantee mechanisms administered by SOTUGAR is carried out on the basis of a guarantee application fully completed and signed by the borrower and presented to SOTUGAR by the Financial Partner.

In addition to the guarantee application, SOTUGAR reviews other documents related to the file of the funding sought, i.e. the feasibility study, the business plan and other documents required by the Financial Partner, due to the nature of the project and the activity sector (Investment declaration, the notification of incentives, location) as well as all other documents likely to facilitate the processing of the application. Once SOTUGAR has completed its review and determined that the application meets the eligibility criteria for extending a guarantee, a guarantee for the financing shall be issued for the benefit of the Financial Partner.

2- How Long Does It Take For The Guarantee Application To Be Processed ?

Once the application for a guarantee, accompanied by all necessary forms and supporting documents have been received, it will undergo a thorough review process by SOTUGAR, namely with respect to the economic and commercial viability of the proposed project. The application review is carried out all the faster if there is a good cooperation between the Financial Partner and SOTUGAR.

In general, the decision-making process takes up to two (2) weeks.

3- Guarantee Premium Charged

SOTUGAR charges a guarantee fee called ” Recipient’s Contribution ” which varies according to the type of funding requested. This guarantee fee is as follows :

  • A 6% interest rate per annum on the amount of medium- and long-term loans or an equivalent lump sum calculated at a rate ranging from 0.9% to 2.6% of the loan;
  • 1% for authorized short-term facilities;
  • 3% for equity
4-Guarantee Coverage Ratio

SOTUGAR shares investment-related risks with its Financial Partners by assuming a coverage ranging from 50% to 75% of the amount of financing accepted as eligible to the guarantee mechanism (in accordance with the methods of intervention of the different guarantee mechanisms run by SOTUGAR).

5-Basis Principles

The different guarantee mechanisms are based on the following:

  • The different Guarantee mechanisms benefit from collaterals taken or pledged in connection with the granting of credit, in proportion to their assumed share of risk.
  • In the event of recovery by the financial institution of a loan previously deemed non- recoverable, the guarantee mechanism is entitled, in proportion to the risk share, to the proceeds from a ‘better fortunes’ clause in respect of such recovery.
  • The guarantee covers only part of the principal eligible for coverage, excluding interest, which means that the partner lending institution always assumes part of the risks inherent in the financing granted.
  • Indemnification by the guarantee mechanism in respect of irrecoverable receivables shall be affected only after the intervening financing institution has had recourse to the real and personal guarantees lodged.
  • The maximum outstanding risk assumed by the guarantee systems per company or group of companies may not exceed the ceilings set by the laws and regulations in force.
En vingt années d'activité 2003 - 2023

Concernant les systèmes de garantie des financements de la création, l'extension et de restructurations financières accordées aux petites et moyennes entreprises :

le nombre de financements garantis
0 +
institutions bénéficiaires
0 +
montant total en millions de dinars
0 +
un volume d’investissement estimé en millions de dinars.
0 +

Under The Patronage Of The Head Of Government, The Sotugar (The Credit Guarantee Company Of Tunisia) Organizes The 7th International Conference Of Guarantee Companies And Schemes In The Middle East And North Africa (Mena) Region

Within the framework of the “Arab Guarantee” network, a chain of guarantee companies and Schemes in the MENA region, and in cooperation with the Euro-Mediterranean Guarantee Network (EMGN), The SOTUGAR is organizing on October 24 and 25, 2023 the 7th International Conference of Guarantee Companies and Schemes in the MENA Region. This conference, which is to be held at a luxury hotel situated in Tunis’s Les Berges du Lac district, follows a series of similar events held periodically in Arab capitals.

Partners - Banks​

Partners - Sicars​

Supporting Partners​

Workflow principale DhExp

Saisie dossier

Banque  ou Chargés Partenaire


Validateur Partenaire


Sans vérification au niveau de la SOTUGAR  pour GPP

vérification pour au niveau de la SOTUGAR Déclarative & PreAccord_AF

Double Vérification et Comité pour au niveau de la SOTUGAR PreAccord_AP


Validateur Sotugar


Editeur Sotugar


Portefeuille de crédits DhExp  («Dhamen Express» )

Déclarative ≤ 5 MDT

Portefeuille de crédits DhExp  («Dhamen Express» )

Pré-accord > 5 MDT & ≤ 15 MDT

Portefeuille de crédits DhExp  («Dhamen Express» )

Les avantages de la Plateforme digitale DhExp

Déclaration en ligne
  • Déclaration individuelle Fiabilité des données(contrôles de forme et de validité)
  • Fiabilité des données(contrôles de forme et de validité)
  • Capacité accrue de traitement de dossier
Eligibilité des déclarations
  • 100% Règles configurées
  • Test d’éligibilité en temps réel
  • Résultat d’éligibilité visible immédiatement
  • Correction & modification des déclarations en ligne ou via plateforme
Tableau de Bord & Statistiques
  • Suivi des statuts des dossiers
  • Suivi des traitement de demandes en temps réel
  • KPI et Reporting en temps réel
Technologie standard & Sécurité
  • Sécurité By Design
  • Piloté par les Workflows
  • Espace de communication (échanges et alertes en temps réel)
  • Paramétrage avancé (messages de notification, lettre d’accusé, …)