
By working together with various financial partners, SOTUGAR has earned the confidence of first-rank relevant actors, both nationally (banks, leasing companies, venture capital companies, support organizations and ministries) and internationally (the European Commission, the World Bank, the French Development Agency (AFD) the International Organization of la Francophonie (O.I.F) and the German Development Bank KfW).

In accordance with the principle that SMEs play an important role in economic and social development, the guarantee instrument provided by the SOTUGAR allows the following to be carried out adequately:

  • For Businesses (SMEs):
    • To ensure SMEs financing on a regular basis,
    • To enable SMEs to have access to the financing required for their business on more favourable terms,
    • To support innovative businesses and new investments in energy-sufficient technologies,
    • To sustain the upgrading of the SMEs so as to enhance their competitiveness on the world market.
  • For Financial Partners:
    • To lower the cost of credit or equity by reducing risk,
    • To broaden the intervention capacity of the involved financing stakeholder and increase its profitability,
    •  To enable the company to proactively intervene in some projects lacking sufficient collaterals, where the credibility of the project is based on the promoter’s proven competence and genuine involvement, and where there is an actual economic interest.
    • To diversify the economic basis along with concentrating on the promising domains and projects involving the use of new technologies, and gradually move away from saturated sectors.