The «Dhamen Express” guarantee mechanism was instituted pursuant to an amendment to the SME Guarantee Fund management agreement dated April 18, 2018, to guarantee financing granted by banks, investment and leasing companies to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises whose investment cost does not exceed 15 Million Dinars (TND).
The Mechanism covers all sectors of economic activity except for those of hotels, financial services, distributive trades and real estate development for housing. The Mechanism was endowed with available resources from the Export Credit Guarantee Fund amounting to 32.077 Million TND and those of the Guarantee Fund for Contingency Measures amounting to 0.054 million TND. Accordingly, the commitments of the aforementioned two funds amounting to 0.2 million TDT were taken over by the new mechanism at the date of its inception.
The “Dhamen Express” guarantee mechanism operates according to more flexible and less stringent rules in respect to eligibility for the guarantee and coverage in case of defaults on payments.
SOTUGAR maintains contractual relations with financial institutions through the adoption of the partial portfolio guarantee technique for the financing of projects costing less than 2 million TND. In addition, the company has implemented the stop-loss technique for tracking and monitoring commitments. The implementation of this new tracking technique will be pursued in 2019 thanks to technical assistance from the World Bank through the mobilization of international and local expertise