1. The Guarantee Scheme For Loans Granted To Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises In Industry And Services And For Equity Holdings In Their Capital Covers:
- Activities of the manufacturing industries annexed to decree n° 94-492 of 28 February 1994, establishing the lists of activities by sector provided for by articles 1, 2 , and 27 of the Investment Incentives Code, and located in areas for the promotion of regional development are eligible for the benefits provided under the Code, as modified and supplemented by subsequent texts.
- Computer related activities, services in relation to software production, research and development , studies assistance and consultancy services, spin-offs, environmental and leisure services..
- Projects funded under the Information Technology Innovation Incentive Scheme (RITI).
2. The Mechanism For Strengthening The Financial Structure
Eligible for the guarantee are the businesses that meet the following criteria:
- Companies which were granted bonus agreements with financial restructuring reserves under the Upgrading Programme,
- Businesses which have not benefiited from any FODEC premium instalments under the said Programme,
- businesses the financial restructuring programme approved by the relevant departments of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and SMEs,
- Not classified as a company in economic difficulties..
3. The Guarantee Fund For Energy Efficiency (FGEE)
Eligible for the guarantee extended by the FGEE, are the medium-sized and large companies:
- Being active in an industrial in an industrial sector for at least two years,
- Wishing to carry out energy efficiency measures using ESCOs, the total cost of which is greater than or equal to fifty thousand dollars, and with a payback period of less than three years.