Within the framework agreement for consensual action on migration and solidarity-based development signed between the Republic of Tunisia and the Republic of France, the Company/SOTUGAR has been entrusted by the Agence Française de Développement (A.F.D) with the management of the guarantee mechanism for medium- and long-term loans granted to new projects implemented by young entrepreneurs in the manufacturing and related services sectors.
1-Activities eligible under the guarantee mecanism :
- Manufacturing activities set out by decree no. 492 of 1994, establishing the lists of activities by sectors covered by articles 1, 2, 3 and 27 of the Investment Incentive Code, as amended and supplemented by subsequent texts.
- Industry-related service activities.
2-Size of the undertakings operating in the industrial and service sector concerned :
New projects carried out by young entrepreneurs in the manufacturing and related services sector, with investment costs not exceeding 500,000 dinars.
3-Types of loans eligible for guarantee :
Medium and long-term loans.
4-Forms and Intervention methods of the guarantee mechanism :
- Refinancing of one half of the loan and assumption of treasury interest on the other half of a percentage of the unrecovered loan, in accordance with a risk-sharing arrangement to be defined between the bank concerned and the guarantee mechanism, when the bank envisages initiating legal proceedings.
- Assumption of 75% of the outstanding loan amount,
- Assumption of 50% of the cost of judicial proceedings initiated for the recovery of the loan.