The Guarantee Fund For Energy Efficiency (FGEE)

Within the Energy Efficiency Program in the Industrial Sector (Programme Efficacité Energétique dans le Secteur Industriel) managed by the Wold Bank  and financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the National Agency for Energy Efficiency  (ANME) has entrusted SOTUGAR with administering the Guarantee Fund for Energy Efficiency (FGEE). The FGEE is designed to guarantee medium-term loans granted by credit institutions to industrial  undertakings or Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) for funding  energy efficiency projets.

1-Undertakings eligible for the guarantee :

Eligible  for the  guarantee   granted by  the FGEE  are medium-sized and large industrial undertakings 

  • Being active in the industrial sector for at least two years,
  • Wishing to carry out energy efficiency projects though ESCOs, the total cost of which is greater than or equal to fifty (50) thousand dinars and with a payback period of less than three years.
2-Forms and Intervention methods of the FGEE:
  • Refinancing of one half of the loans and assumption of treasury interest on half the outstanding  principal amounts  of eligible loans, in accordance with the agreed apportioning of coverage  of  the loans deemed irrecoverable  between the FGEE  and the credit institution, upon initiating  recovery proceedings against the debtor.
  • Assumption of  75 % of the outstanding loan amounts and the  cost of judicial proceedings initiated for the recovery of the loan. Indemnification  of final losses will be paid no later than three years starting from the date of refinancing (disbursement of the advance).