The Housing Loans Guarantee Fund (Fonds de Garantie pour les credits à l’Habitat – FGH) was set up pursuant to Article 59 of law No. 2017–66 establishing the Finance law 2018, to guarantee housing loans for income groups with irregular incomes, through a 50 million dinars state budget allocation, of which 20 million dinars to be released with respect to the fiscal year 2018. The law also provides for the management of the Fund by SOTUGAR by virtue of an agreement signed with the Ministry of Finance on 5 October 2018. The procedures for managing the Housing Loans Guarantee Fund and the conditions for benefiting from its interventions are laid down by Government Decree No. 2018-749 of 7 September 2018.
The establishment of this fund was made possible thanks to technical support from the World Bank through the mobilization of international and local expertise, the financing of the launch seminar on 28 November 2018 intended for the banks and administrations concerned, and the financing of a study trip abroad for three SOTUGAR executives. The implementation of this new fund in the first banks signing the partnership agreement and within SOTUGAR will be pursued in 2019 with the support of the World Bank.