Following the conference held at the Cité de la Culture of Tunis on 05 October 2022 and the conference for the North-West governorates held in Béja on 17 November 2022, SOTUGAR took part in a third regional conference on cultural investment bringing together the governorates of the Centre organized under the aegis of the Ministry of Cultural Affairs and the launch on 09 February 2023 of the first regional laboratory for cultural and creative industries at the cultural complex Assad Ibn Fourat in Kairouan.
After a review of the tax and financial incentives by representatives of the Agency for the Promotion of Industry and Innovation (APII) and the General Directorate for Research and Tax Legislation (DGELF) of the Ministry of Finance, the representative of SOTUGAR outlined the terms and conditions for credit guarantee provided by the Cultural Industries Guarantee Fund (FGIC) which was set up with the support of the Organization Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) in 2010.
The event was also an opportunity to present the new “Dhamen Express” mechanism, which was set up in June 2022 to guarantee financing granted to Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs), and which will provide broader coverage across all economic sectors, including the cultural industries.